This is a continuation of the story from the previous blog, “The Blessings of Life and the Power of Prayer”. If you have not read that blog I would encourage you to read it first before continuing here. In that blog my wife, Sue Ellen, shared her story of an unplanned pregnancy back in 1970 when she was a 22 year old college student. She chose to give birth rather than have an abortion and gave her daughter up for adoption. In the years since she had made several attempts to establish contact with her daughter all to no avail. But during those forty six years she prayed faithfully for her, that she would come to know Jesus Christ. Approximately five weeks ago, her daughter, Shawn was able to locate Sue Ellen and made contact. A week after Sue Ellen shared her story with our congregation on January 22nd, our daughter Shawn shared her story with her church family in California on January 29th. Click on the link below and then click on 1/29/17 and you will hear Shawn’s story as she tells it herself. I trust that you will be blessed by her story and will appreciate how important it is to choose life and how powerful consistent, faithful prayer can really be.
Chuck Oblom, Pastor, Journey Church on the Common

The Overcomers-Part 4